Sunday 1 November 2015

Annotated Catologue

Has the Vampire sub-genre changed genres from Horror to Romance?

[1] Dracula (1931)
This was the first vampire film made based off of Bram Stoker’s novel. This will show me how the very first vampires were portrayed, such as what they looked like, how they acted and it will let me compare how their primary goals have changed throughout the years. I can also look at the genre change was it part of the horror genre?

[2] The Lost Boys (1987)
This film is between the dates of the other two chosen films so it’ll be interesting to see which genre this film leads more towards. It’ll help me understand if it’s only in the recent 21st century that the vampire sub-genre has become a romance or if the romance side has been building up.

[3] Twilight (2008)
My main aim when looking at this film is not only to look at how they are portrayed but also to look at how the genre of the film has changed. How far has this film come away from the horror genre and joined the romance genre? I will compare this directly to the other chosen films so I can see the difference in the films clearly.

This link uses quotes when talking about two vampire books and films ‘Dracula’ and ‘Twilight’ which is useful because the quotes feature things such as the descriptions of the vampires to show us directly how they have changed from the past to modern day. It compares the different characters from the films and how they are portrayed to the audience.

This link also compares the way vampires are shown between the two films Twilight and Dracula being the most well-known vampire movies from the past and modern day. They speak of the personality of a typical vampire used to be and what it is now and how the movies have been romanticized drastically. It also mentions how people of the modern day have changed to fit the vampire look.

This page features useful information on different vampire movies when they were made and what’s included in the content of the movie to highlight how some follow the horror genre and some follow with the romance genre. It lets us know how the vampire/supernatural sub genre is changing and why it may go back to what it was like before rather than constantly romanticizing it.

This page features many different case studies based on vampires from both films and television shows and how each case study features the vampires. They mention the ‘classical concept of vampires’ how they were first portrayed and ‘the modern representation’ of vampires and how they’ve changed throughout the years. They have written about the history of vampires; where vampires were first brought to the public.

This page tells me something very different to the rest. It informs me of the attraction viewers have towards vampires. This is useful because it tells me what it is about vampires that people are attracted too so from this perhaps I can make a conclusion of if the change of genre from horror to romance really alters the viewings of vampire movies.

This page is very useful when looking at vampires in any way as it gives you a lot of information on the many sides of vampires. It writes about how the vampire genre fits in to American culture and how the genre has changed to fit audiences. It also mentions the historical connection with this genre.

This page is very good to inform about the history and how the myth of vampires started even before they were named as vampires. It speaks about Tv, film, art and books to show how vampires are all portrayed in these different forms of media. It also includes small clips to show the viewer the point that they earlier explained.

Stephen King talks about what vampire should and shouldn’t be like. It’ll be useful to just use his quotes because they’re quotes from someone who obviously knows a lot about the horror genre. I can see what King thinks of other vampire books e.g. Twilight – Stephanie Meyer compared to what he thinks of what he’s written and how his is the true vampire genre.

Although not all about vampires, the timeline helps me to understand when and why the genre started to change, including the authors who started the vampire genre and those who began to change it allowing others to follow in their footsteps. Also additional links on this page lead me to other web sites and videos allowing me to learn more about a particular subject.

This link will be very useful for my presentation script, this is from a book and talks about a variety of different things when it comes to vampires. A lot of it surrounds Twilight which is good because Twilight is one of my chosen films. It talks of the success of Twilight and the changes they made also the traditional vampires are mentioned. It discusses themes used and ‘vampirism’.

This page directly discusses the origins and evolution of vampire films and the appeal of both the male and female vampire. It discusses the response of the traditional vampire when it was first created which further helps me understand why the genre may be leaning towards Romance. This features a lot of case studies and explains how they’re all different.

The description of the Horror genre is written in here with themes. It goes on to write about the earliest of horror films which include the supernatural/vampires which fell into the horror category. It like many other mentions Stoker’s classic Dracula and features many other films and then writes about the ‘revisionist’ vampire films.


The people in the video explain their opinion on the vampire genre and whether they preferred it as horror or romance. I rejected this video after watching it because it is all their opinions and the people are unknown so it would be pointless to feature their thoughts in my presentation script.

Although a lengthy interesting response, the source is unreliable because it is from yahoo answers so it is an unknown person writing it and also it is solely their opinion which doesn't help me out because I can’t quote an unknown source.

This writes about something different to the rest but doesn’t fully link into my question because it does technically talk about the horror genre implicitly but doesn’t mention the change in genres instead simply asks if vampire movies were ever scary I does however challenge the typical things people say about the new vampire films. 

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