Thursday 20 November 2014

Short film coursework development

Name: Stalker

Genre: Thriller

Themes: Helplessness, Crime, Anger

Setting: The setting will start within a street of houses. It will be very dark and houses will be shown. It will then be set in a lit bedroom. Nearer the end of the film it will be set in the woods where the girl will go jogging.

Character Development: None of my characters have names because there is no talking in my film. This also means that no script will be created.

  • The female enjoys pop music because when she is jogging and puts in her headphones this is what plays. She also likes to keep fit and this can be shown when she goes jogging. She is also very relaxed.
  • The other character in my film is the stalker and no information is ever found out about this person.
Outline: A moving Close up of someone's feet are shown walking along a pavement in the dark. When the feet stop walking a shot pans up somebody's back towards a window. When the camera reaches the top of the person's back an over the shoulder shot takes place to face the lit window. Someone standing in the room can be seen.
The Camera enters the lit room and a mid shot of a girl is shown, the dark figure outside can be seen through the window. An over the shoulder shot of the girl will be used to show the girls perspective. Firstly it shows her looking at her phone, then she looks out the window turns back to the phone and quickly looks towards the window again. The figure can be seen the first time she looks out the window but the second time the figure will be gone. The girl will now leave her house and a long shot shows the girl leaving and jogging down her path. The camera turns towards her as she jogs past and down the road. She can be seen putting her headphones in, this is when music starts to play.
On her journey jogging the girl enters the wood. A mid shot of the girl jogging is shown and a handheld camera will be used at the same time to put the audience in her position. Music from her headphones can still be heard. A person is seen running past. After seeing the figure a mid shot is still used as the girls removes one headphone and looks around. A crack of twigs is heard so she turns around. When she turns back a figure is stood in front throughout this whole sequence a mid shot is used.
A low angle shot is then used as the person wraps something around her neck. A struggle is shown from the low angle and this shows the stranger is more powerful. An establishing shot then shows the person walk off into the woods leaving the girl on the ground. The film title will appear as music plays.
The credits will roll.

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