Monday 8 December 2014

Short Film update development

Wide shot of 'Happy Birthday' banners, the shot pans down towards a woman sitting on the sofa, she looks up and smiles at someone.
Mid shot of another girl who walks into the room mouthing 'Happy Birthday', she is holding a bag and a card, pan across to the woman on the sofa standing up and they hug. They sit down an the card is opened.
Close up of the card shows that she is a mother.
Close up of phone will be shown, she has received a text asking when she is coming over, she replies with a time.
Wide shot of the sky and lights from houses, date and time is shown at the bottom.
When the stalker is looking through the window the girl can be seen putting on her coat and scarf in preparation to leave.
Mid shot of her walking towards the front door.
Close up of her locking the door.
Handheld camera used, facing towards the girl, the stalker can be seen coming round a corner and following behind. The camera will stop and both walk past one after the other.
On her way to visit her friend she takes a shortcut down a dark muddy path. Girl walks around the corner.
The camera will now be at the other end of the path and as the girl exits and comes into view the stalker emerges and grabs her dragging her backwards.
The stalker walks away down the road or into the darkness holding a scarf that the girl is wearing. The film title 'Shadows' will appear.

The shot when i was panning up the stalkers back because every time i did so i could not get the camera to focus.
I removed the shot when i was inside the house and the stalker could be seen outside because the reflection in the window also showed the reflection of myself and the camera.
The setting has changed because due to the lack of light in the woods. This is why i changed the plot and instead of going jogging the girl is walking to her friends house. All the scenes set in the woods have therefore been removed.
The girl no longer puts in headphones.
A low angle shot is not used but i may re add this to show the difference in power.

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