Wednesday 15 October 2014

Mean Girls - Meeting the plastics scene

We had to pick a favourite scene from a movie and I picked Mean Girls.

1. Over the shoulder shot swapping between two characters x6 (17 seconds)
2. Long shot (2 seconds) 
3. Over the shoulder shot swapping between two characters x6 (16 seconds)
4. Mid shot (2 seconds)
5. Over the shoulder (2 seconds)
6. Medium close up (1 second)
7. Mid wide shot (4 seconds)
8. Close up (2 seconds)
9. Mid wide shot (3 seconds)
10. Close up (2 seconds)
11. Over the shoulder / close up (3 seconds)
12. Long shot (2 seconds)
13. Close up (2 seconds)
14. Mid wide shot (6 seconds)
15. Over the shoulder / Close up (1 second)
16. Close up (5 seconds)
17. Over the shoulder / close up (2 seconds)
18.Over the shoulder (2 seconds)
19. Close up (1 second)

Regina: Why don't I know you?
Cady: I'm new. I just moved here from Africa.
Regina: What?
Cady: I used to be home-schooled.
Regina: Wait. What?
Cady: My mom taught me at home...
Regina: No, no. I know what home-school is.I'm not retarded. So you've actually           never been to a real school before? Shut up.Shut up.
Cady: I didn't say anything.
Regina: Home-schooled.That's really interesting.
Cady: Thanks.
Regina: But you're, like, really pretty.
Cady: Thank you.
Regina: So you agree.
Cady: What?
Regina: You think you're really pretty.
Cady: Oh, I don't know...
Regina: Oh, my God, I love your bracelet. Where did you get it?
Cady: Oh, my mom made it for me.
Regina: It's adorable.
Gretchen: Oh, it's so fetch.
Regina: What is "fetch"?
Gretchen: Oh, it's, like, slang. From England.
Karen: So if you're from Africa...why are you white?
Gretchen: Oh, my God, Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white.
Regina: Could you give us some privacy for, like, one second?
Cady: Yeah, sure.
Janis and Damien (mime): What are you doing?
Regina: OK, you should just know that we don't do this a lot,so this is, like, a really      huge deal.
Gretchen: We wanna invite you to have lunch with us every day for the rest of the        week.
Cady: Oh, it's OK...
Regina: Coolness.So we'll see you tomorrow. 
Karen: On Wednesdays, we wear pink.

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