Wednesday 24 September 2014

About Me Video Evaluation

What went well : I think that in my video the camera quality was quite good. For this I used my phone which had a clear outcome The lighting also helped to improve this because it was not too bright but it was also not too dark so you could easily see me without the light affecting the camera. Although I could have spoken up I still feel that it was easy to understand what I was saying. I also managed to fit a range of information in under one minute without rushing.

How I could improve : In my video I feel that I could have spoken slightly louder so my voice was clearer when the video was being played back. I also think I could have been more creative with what I did whether or not I was in the camera shot. For example I could  have used writing and pictures to explain my answers because I did not necessarily enjoy being in front of the camera but in this case due to my decision of being in front of the camera I could have been more creative with the shots and backgrounds depending on what I was saying. 

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